Mediaworks did not renew the licence agreements for their products targeting young people and minors: After January 2016, the bi-monthly BRAVO Girl! and the bi-monthly Buci Maci Magazine, as well as the online product will be cancelled. In response to changes in the young people’s media consumption patterns, Mediaworks re-evaluated the marketing potential of its portfolio for the youth, and as a result, the last issue of these magazines will be published in December 2015.

In contrast, Mediaworks will continue to publish BRAVO, one of the most important youth magazine of the national market, every month in 2016. Internationally, with a history of more than 50 years, BRAVO is the most recognized brand among young people, of which more than 2.5 million copies are purchased every month throughout Europe. BRAVO has been present in the Hungarian market since 1992.

Mediaworks did not renew the licence agreements for their products targeting young people and minors.

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