Associated companies of Mediaworks (Mediaworks Kiadó és Nyomda Kft., Mworks Print Zrt., Zöld Újság Zrt., Mediaworks Magazines Kft., Népújság Kft., Petőfi Lap- és Könyvkiadó, Mediaworks Regionális Kiadó Kft., Julius Media Holding Kft) merged into Mediaworks Hungary Zrt. Following the successful merger, Mediaworks Hungary Zrt. is now the legal successor of those companies. The portfolio of the media company contains over 60 products, which will now be published by Mediaworks Hungary Zrt.

“The merger makes operations in various areas easier, and processes will become simpler and more efficient. The merger significantly improves the overall market efficiency of Mediaworks. Our partners will also benefit from this transaction, because we can offer them more attractive terms and conditions, capitalizing to the maximum on synergies of our large portfolio”, said Chief Executive Officer of Mediaworks Rónai Balázs.

Associated companies of Mediaworks merged into Mediaworks Hungary Zrt.

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