Mediaworks Hungary Zrt. as the new shareholder of the former Axel Springer Magyarország Kft. is familiar to the recent decision of the Hungarian Competition Authorities (GVH) involving four regional publishing houses. During the Due Diligence the new shareholder of the company has been informed about the ongoing investigation procedure of the Authorities. However, as it is standard for transactions of this kind it has been agreed and secured that everything that had happened before the Closing ( Sept 30 th 2014), 2014, falls into the responsibility of the previous shareholders and the former management.

Mediaworks Hungary Zrt. and its shareholders are intending to act and manage the Company according to the highest international standards as well as to the local Hungarian legal environment.

Press Releade of Mediaworks Hungary Zrt. about the ongoing investigation procedure of the Hungarian Competition Authorities involving four regional publishing houses.

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