The management of Mediaworks appointed Támás Mezősi top manager of Világgazdaság from 2 October 2015, while the former editor-in-chief Levente Levente Tóth is leaving the publisher by mutual agreement. Mediaworks will be announcing the Világgazdaság renewal programme within weeks.

Tamás Mezősi, who has been working as a financial journalist for 15 years, is continuing his career as editor-in-chief of Világgazdaság. This expert spent 13 years at Napi Gazdaság (Daily Economy), initially as a journalist, after working as editor for six years and deputy editor-in-chief of the daily from 2011 to 2013. In the following, he worked as the editor of He studied the editorial of the German business daily Handelsblatt during a scholarship programme in 2010.

„It is an honour that Mediaworks appointed me to manage the prestigious Világgazdaság, a reference newspaper in the media market. My goal is to renew the country’s only financial daily, to develop it into a compact modern media outlet providing more and more useful information to every economic operator in business by leaning on the traditions of Világgazdaság,” – said Támás Mezősi, editor-in-chief of Világgazdaság.

Balázs Rónai, CEO of Mediaworks commended the results reached since last year’s appointment of Levente Tóth former editor-in-chief in the way the daily features 30% more financial/business topics to when it was taken over in 2014 and the editorial was restructured.

The management of Mediaworks appointed Támás Mezősi top manager of Világgazdaság from 2 October 2015, while the former editor-in-chief Levente Levente Tóth is leaving the publisher by mutual agreement. Mediaworks will be announcing the Világgazdaság renewal programme within weeks.

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